Shipping Policy



We would like to assure you that for MyOrmos, the protection of our customers’ personal data is of paramount importance. That is why we are taking appropriate steps to protect the personal data we process and to ensure that the processing of personal data is always carried out in accordance with the obligations laid down by the legal framework, both by MyOrmos itself and by third parties who process personal data on behalf of the company.


This is a binding agreement. By using the Internet site located at, you agree to abide by these Terms of Use (also referred to as the “Terms”), as they may be amended by My Ormos, (“Company”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) from time to time in its sole discretion. Company will post a notice on the Site any time these Terms of Use have been changed or otherwise updated. It is your responsibility to review these Terms of Use periodically, and if at any time you find these Terms of Use unacceptable, you must immediately leave the Site and cease all use of the Service and the Site.

You agree that by using the site and / or service you represent that you are at least 18 years old and that you are legally able to enter into this agreement.



Our company MyOrmos  having its registered office in Glyfada, (Athens), address: 49 Zamanou str., email: [email protected], website:, informs that, in the context of its business activities, it processes personal data of its customers in accordance with the applicable national legislation and the European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”) as it is currently in force.
For any matter concerning the processing of personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer directly (DPO) email: [email protected] tel: 6972319798, 6941605333 (mobile)


We collect your Data for the purposes of our company’s products and/or services and in particular for:

a) the management of the sale of our products/or services, e.g. your communication and information about the availability of products and the development of your order, the execution of your order, the shipment of products, the management of your debts to the COMPANY, the making of refunds and the provision of guarantees.

(b) compliance with the obligations imposed by applicable legislation, e.g. tax legislation, e-commerce Directive;

(c) controlling, improving and adapting to your preferences and choices regarding our products and/or services;

(d) the dispatch, by electronic or traditional means, of administrative, technological, organizational and/or commercial information about the Company’s products.

e) the customer satisfaction survey, the promotion of our products/or services, the sending of newsletters for our products.


Product Orders: The Company processes your Data in order to fulfill its contractual relationship, to process the ordering of products and/or services, to provide customer service services, to comply with legal obligations, to challenge, raise or exercise legal requirements. If we do not collect your Data at checkout from our online store, we will not be able to process your order and comply with our legal obligations. You may need to transfer your Data to third parties to supply or deliver the product or service you have ordered. In addition, we may retain your Data for a reasonable period of time in order to fulfill our contractual obligations, such as product returns, as provided for in the relevant legislation.

Αll orders will be placed by you as guests, no account registration is needed for processing an order.


Contact: The Company uses your Data to respond to the requests/questions you submit, to refund requests and/or complaints. The information you share with us enables us to manage your requests and respond to you in the best possible way. We may also maintain a record of your queries/requests to us in order to better respond to any future communication. We do this on the basis of our contractual obligations to you, our legal obligations and our legitimate interests in order to provide you with the best possible service and to be able to improve our services based on your own personal experience.

In cases, we will need to share your Data with a third party who provides a service (such as courier company). Without sharing your personal data, we would not be able to satisfy your request. Here are more information about how we share personal data with third parties.

Send newsletter/offers: With your consent, we will use your personal data, preferences and transaction details to inform you via e-mail, internet, and/or social media for related products, including personalized/personalized offers, discounts, etc. Of course you have the possibility to withdraw this consent at any time, by clicking “UNSUBSCRIBE” button in the e-mail.

Participation in Competitions: The Company processes your Data, in case you agree to participate in competitions it conducts, to notify you if you are a competition winner and to deliver your gift.

Social Media: Visitors can follow the Company and the Site through its websites on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter (Social Media) to learn its news, comment and participate in its special promotions. Any products or services offered by the Company through Social Media and all information communicated, submitted or offered by it through its Social Media accounts will be subject to these General Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise agreed.

To whom we transfer personal data:

MyOrmos transfers personal data to third parties who have been entrusted by the company with the processing of personal data on its behalf( i.e. courier, bank etc). In these cases, MyOrmos remains the controller of the processing of your personal data and sets out the details of the processing, signing a specific contract with the third parties assigned with processing activities, in order to ensure that the processing is carried out in accordance with the applicable legal framework and that any individual may freely and without hindrance exercise the rights conferred on him/her by the legal framework.

Storage Time

The data storage time is decided on the basis of the following specific criteria, as appropriate on each case:

When the processing is necessary for compliance with legal obligations under the applicable legal framework, your personal data will be stored for as long as required by the relevant provisions

When the processing is based on a contractual relationship, your personal data are stored for as long as is necessary to perform the contract and for the establishment, exercise or defence of our legal claims in accordance with the contract.

For the purposes of promoting products and services (marketing activities), your personal data is kept until your consent is withdrawn. This can be done by you at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of the consent-based processing in the period prior to its withdraw.

What are your rights with respect to your personal data?

Any natural person whose data are being processed by MyOrmos enjoys the following rights:

Right of Access:

You have the right to be aware and verify the legitimacy of the processing. So, you have the right to access the data and get additional information about how your data are processed.

Right to Rectification:

You have the right to study, correct, update or modify your personal data by contacting the Data Protection Officer (DPO) with the above-mentioned contact details.

Right to Erasure (“Right to be forgotten”):

You have the right to request the erasure of your personal data when we process them based on your consent or in order to protect our legitimate interests. In all other cases (for example, when there is a contract, or an obligation to process personal data required by law or for public interest reasons), this right is subject to specific restrictions or may not apply, depending on the case.

Right to Restriction of Processing:

You have the right to obtain from us restriction on the processing of your personal data where one of the following applies:

  • the accuracy of the personal data is contested and until such accuracy is verified;
  • you oppose the erasure of your personal data and request (instead of erasure) the restriction of their use;
  • personal data are not needed for the purposes of processing, but they are, however, required for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; and
  • you object the processing pending the verification whether our legitimate grounds override those of yours.

Right to Object:

You have the right to object at any time the processing of your personal data where, as described above, such processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests we seek as controllers.

Right to lodge a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority:

You have the right to file a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority ( Telephone: +30 210 6475600, Fax: +30 210 6475628, email: [email protected]

Personal Data Security

MyOrmos implements appropriate technical and organizational measures aimed at the safe processing of personal data and the prevention of accidental loss or destruction and / or unauthorized access to, use, modification or disclosure thereof. In any case, the way in which the internet operates and the fact that it is free to anyone cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to violate the applicable technical and organizational measures by gaining access and possibly using personal data for unauthorized and / or unfair purposes.

Profiling constitutes any form of automated processing of personal data consisting in the use of personal data to assess certain personal aspects of a natural person, in particular for the analysis or the provision of aspects relating to the performance at work, financial situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements of that natural person.




This cookies policy explains what cookies are and how we use them on our website You should read this policy so that you can understand the type of cookies we use, the information we collect using cookies, and how this information is used. By using our website, you agree that we may use cookies according to this policy.


Cookies are small files sent to your browser from the website you are visiting. Cookies allow the website to memorize information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other settings. This can facilitate your next visit and make the website more useful for you. Cookies play an important role. Without them, using the web would be a much more complex experience.
We use cookies for many reasons. For example, to remember your preferences for safe search, to count the number of visitors on a page, or to make it easier for you to sign up for our services and protect your data.


There are two categories of cookies:

  • Technical cookies: are necessary for the proper function of the website and for the user’s ability to navigate it. Without them, users may not be able to view the pages correctly or use certain services.
  • Profiling Cookies: are used to create a user profile for sending promotional messages according to the preferences displayed by the user when browsing.

Cookies, either “technical” or “profiling”, may also be categorized as follows:

  • “Session” cookies, which are deleted as soon as you close your browser,
  • “Permanent” cookies, which remain in the browser for a certain amount of time. These cookies are used, for example, to identify the device that connects to a website by facilitating user authentication procedures,
  • “Proprietary” cookies, created and controlled directly by the operator of the website which the user is browsing,
  • “Third-Party” cookies, which are created and controlled by parties other than the operator of the site on which the user is browsing.
  • These cookies are used to provide content, which is more appropriate for you and your interests. They may be used to send targeted advertisements/offers, to restrict advertisements’ views or to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. These cookies may be used with the purpose of allowing us to remember the websites you have visited in order to determine which electronic channels marketing are more effective, as well as of allowing us to reward third websites and partners who promoted your visit to us.


Yes, we use certain Cookies with the primary purpose of making more functional and more enjoyable to our users.

The site uses “technical” cookies and particularly the following types of cookies:

1.Proprietary cookies, session cookies, or permanent cookies that are necessary to browse the Website for internal security and system management purposes;

2.Third-party cookies, permanent cookies, used by the Website to send statistical information to Google Analytics, through which the Company may perform a statistical analysis of access /visits to the Website. The cookies used serve purely statistical purposes and collect information in aggregated form. By using two cookies, permanent cookies and session cookies (expiring when the browser is closed), Google Analytics also stores a log with the hours of entering and leaving the website. You may prevent Google from collecting data through cookies and the subsequent processing of data by uploading and installing the plugin for the browser from the following address:

In the case of third-party cookies, users provide or refuse to give their consent directly to the owner of that cookie, to which the Company simply refers: most third-party cookies on the Website may be disabled by users in their own browser or by directly visiting the websites of their operators using the links listed in the table below. In any case, we note that disabling cookies may affect your ability to use the Website and / or make the most of all available features and services.

COOKIES TYPE PURPOSE Session cookies and Permanent cookies (up to 1 month) They are necessary for browsing the website, for purposes of internal security and management, as well as for memorizing the language chosen by the user preferences.

Third-Party cookies and Permanent cookies (up to 3  months) For the Google Analytics service through which the Company can perform a statistical analysis of access / visits to the Website


If you do not wish to collect information through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers, which allows you to refuse using cookies.

To learn more about how to manage cookies, visit the website:

Some features of this Website may not work properly if you refuse using cookies.


You may order products from our Site only if you have reached the age 18. We cannot assume any responsibility regarding the verification of the legal capacity of its visitors or buyers. Consequently, if a person does not have the legal capacity to order products from our Site their legal guardians (parents, guardians) will take responsibility for this order and especially its repayment.


You agree to pay in full the prices for your purchases. The prices displayed are final, and VAT is included. In case prices are altered, the customer upon the time of receipt must pay the price which appeared upon the time of his order.

By ordering products from our Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms as well as our Privacy Policy, our Shipping Policy, our Payment Policy, and our Return and Exchange Policy.

The Site offers to its customers the opportunity to register orders and/or purchase products on sale, on a retail basis. In order to place a relevant order each user of the website may execute orders and/or purchase products, which are displayed on sale from the site.

The display of products for sale on the Site acts as an invitation for you to place an order. Such presentation does not in any way bind the Company as for the availability of displayed products or for the immediate execution of orders. If you ordered products no longer available, the Company reserves the right to give information to you about substitute products.

In addition, the Company reserves the absolute right to reject orders at any circumstances without having the obligation to provide reasons for such rejection on the condition that any paid fees are immediately refunded to you.

In the event the Company makes a change to or cancel an order, the Company’s representatives will attempt to notify you by contacting the email and/or billing address/phone number provided at the time the order was made. Additionally, the Company may limit or prohibit orders that, in its sole judgment, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers, distributors or any unauthorized party. You are not permitted to resell any products or services purchase through any of the Site for commercial purposes.

The sales contract between the Company and its users is executed upon (a) the registration of a relevant order, serving as an offer, and (b) the acceptance of the order by our company and through the transmission of the corresponding electronic mail to the user. The electronic mail mentioned above is deemed to be received by the user at the time that the latter accesses it.

After the execution of the sales contract, the Company undertakes to deliver the product under sale and the user has the obligation to pay the relevant fee, as communicated in the order registration process. The Company maintains the ownership of the product sold after its delivery subject to the full payment of the agreed fee by the user. In case of the user’s failure to pay the full fee, the Company has the right to either claim the fee or rescind the sale, requesting the return of the product in the state that it was delivered. In any case, after delivery the responsibility for the condition of the product lies with the user.

For the execution of the order the follows a step by step ordering process. In any case, until checkout technical means for the identification and correction of any errors in the procedure shall be at your disposal, such as the capacity to return to previous technical steps before final .

Product offers in this online store are valid up until stocks are exhausted. If an order is placed before the official commencement of the Sales Period, the price of the product cannot change. You should cancel the order and re-place an order, during Sales Period in order to reach the reduced price.

By purchasing from the Site, you agree that we may share information about you and your transaction with other entities for various purposes, including (without limitation) to process your transaction, to operate our fraud prevention program, to collect any unpaid debt and to obtain credit card authorization.

Product availability on the Site is not guaranteed as products may be low in stock or out of stock when an order is completed.

In the occurrence that the customer would like to cancel the order subsequently to its completion or to alter the order, one can communicate with our company within a time frame of 2 hours electronically by email at [email protected]


This Site and all contents of the Site are provided on an ‘as is’ basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. You acknowledge, by your use of the Site, that your use of the Site is at your sole risk, that you assume full responsibility for all costs associated with all necessary servicing or repairs of any equipment you use in connection with your use of our Site, and that Company shall not be liable for any damages of any kind related to your use of this Site.


From time to time there may be information on the Site that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, and availability. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order).


Company’s liability to you is limited. To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall company be liable for damages of any kind (including, but not limited to, special, incidental or consequental damages, lost profits, or lost data, regardless of the foreseeability of those damages) arising out of or in connection with your use of the site or any other materials or services provided to you by company. This limitation shall apply regardless of whether the damages arise out of breach of contract, tort, or any other legal theory of form of action.


We offer shipping for all orders within Greece via ELTA COURIER.

Most orders ship out within 2 days of ordering and credit verification, but we work hard to get all orders out as quickly as possible.

Shipping fees within Greece burden the client. (5,00 €/order)

Orders are processed and shipped Monday-Friday only. No orders are processed or shipped on the weekends or national holidays.

There is a possibility for hand-on-hand delivery, which is available only for Attica Region.


For any order cancellation/modification of your order (e.g. add or remove specific products, change billing and delivery address or personal information), or change of address or payment, you may contact us via email at the following address: [email protected], within 30 minutes from the time of the order confirmation. After this point no cancellations or changes to your order are possible.


The following methods of payment are accepted:


MyOrmos does not process or store any credit card information.

All credit card transactions are performed in Eurobank’s secure platform accepting VISA-MASTERCARD.


Bank transfers are performed automatically through Eurobank.



IBAN: GR7202601850000100200846280



You will pay in cash, to the courier service representative delivering your parcel.


If for any reason you are not satisfied with a purchase, the item(s) can be returned for a product exchange, size exchange, or refund within 14 days of the order’s DELIVERY date.

In order for returns to be accepted, all items must be in perfect condition with security tag and original receipt.

Returns will not be accepted for items that have been labelled NON-RETURNABLE in the product description.

Sales items are non-returnable products.

MyOrmos reserves the right to refuse returns that are unauthorized and/or not sent in accordance with the return policy detailed online. In the case of unauthorized or non-standard returns, the merchandise will be returned to the shipping address specified in the original order.


Items can be exchanged for a different size or an alternative style.


Refunds will be processed as soon as returned items have been checked and accepted and will be completed approximately within 7 business days.


The shipping cost fees will burden the client and will be 5,00 €/order, via ELTA COURIER.


If for any reason you are not satisfied with a purchase and you wish to return one or more items of your order, you simply have to:

  1. Pack the products you wish to return
  2. Fill out the return form (and include it your parcel). You can also find the return form in the following
  3. Ship the parcel to the following address:

My Ormos

ELTA COURIER, Department Nea Smirni

104 Agias Sofias Str. Nea Smyrni P.C. 17123

NOTE: The parcel shall remain to ELTA COURIER DEPARTMENT for My Ormos to receive.



The Site and the information contained therein including without limitations of the designs, text, images, photographs, graphics, logos, applications as well as all software, databases, trademarks, and all content of our platform (hereinafter “The Content”), is the intellectual and industrial property of our company, unless otherwise stated for specific rights of third parties, and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, EU and international law. All rights are registered and reserved.


The Content is used as is and it is prohibited to modify or accept any other intervention by an unauthorized user. The services and / or trademarks and / or other identification elements of third parties that may appear on our platform, are the intellectual and industrial property of third parties and therefore they bear the applicable liability. Copying, analogue / digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, creation of a production work or misleading the public about the actual content provider, any reproduction, re-release, upload, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes and generally any kind of action on the commercial, financial and all kinds of records of the company, is allowed only with the prior written permission of our Company or any other legal copyright owner.


The domain name myormos has been lawfully assigned to the Company by the Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT), which has – among other rights – the exclusive right to use it and forbids any third party to register an identical domain name or a similar name that can confuse consumers, knowingly or unintentionally and which registration constitutes an unfair competition act and/or unfair appropriation of the reputation and clientele of the Business.


Especially, as to the data bases of the Site,  temporary or permanent reproduction of data bases, by any means and in any form, in whole or in part, translation, adjustment, arrangement or any other modification of data bases, any kind of distribution of data bases or their copies to the public, any disclosure, display, purchase, or presentation of data bases to the public, any reproduction, distribution, disclosure, display or presentation of results of the data bases’ translation, adjustment, arrangement and modification to the public, uploading, storing and exporting databases, downloading, posting on another website, posting on the internet and any other processing and commercial use, are forbidden.


The data bases of this Site  are further protected as a special right held by the data base maker under particular requirements and restrictions of law. There is forbidden any export and/or reuse of the whole or substantial part of the data bases’ content, evaluated either in terms of quality or quantity, either manually or automatically.


There forbidden any repeated and systematic export and/or reuse minor parts of the data bases’ content, provided they entail the performance of actions contrary to the ordinary use of data bases or unjustifiably violate the data base maker’s legal interest. It is further prohibited the automated (eg through web scraping, web harvesting, web data extraction) or manual, collection and storage of information contained in the databases of the Site and in general as its content, the mass / systematic downloading of information by the Site for any use, without the written consent of the Company.


Nothing contained in our Site  should be construed as an express or implied license or right to use any form of Content, without the written permission of our company or third parties who may hold rights to the goods and / or services and / or trademarks may appear on our platform.


The infringement of the Company’s or a third party’s Intellectual Property results to the obligation of the responsible User to compensate any damage of the Company or a third party. The Company in case of infringement of its Intellectual Property rights, may ban the User from the Site, delete his account and exercise all its rights provided by law.


The legal browsing of the Site  , with respect to the Terms of Use and the applicable legislation, does not infringe the Intellectual Property of the Company, which provides to the customers/users a license to the Platform only for purchasing the goods provided.



In the event that one or more of these General Terms and Conditions are in any way wholly or partially invalid under the applicable law, then the affected terms or parts thereof shall not apply as a constituent part of the contract and the remaining terms shall apply normally between the parties. The present General Terms are considered essential by the parties, and they accept their faithful observance and waive their right to challenge any of them.



These terms and conditions are subject to amendments in the future without notice, and any modification will take effect as soon as it is integrated into our Site This Site will always present to you the current terms and conditions. The access and use of our Site and our services after the implementation of the modifications, indicates their acceptance by each user. For this reason, each user is kindly requested to check the terms and conditions of use regularly.



These terms and conditions of use in their entirety, any modification as well as the use of our Site are governed by Greek Law. Any dispute between you and our Company from the operation and / or use of the Site will be resolved amicably and by negotiations between them. If this is not possible then the Greek Courts are competent and the Courts of Athens are locally competent.